I don't know where to begin but half of this is so wrong.
- It's not a bad winner, it's a great song. Emmelie and Loreen, Ell&Nikki and Lena didn't have original songs either.
- It was the total opposite of political voting: Firstly, if there was political voting, Russia would be last.
Also, all the countries didn't just give points to their neighbours, they gave points to a certain set of
countries which was Sweden, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Australia, Latvia and Estonia.
- What I just said. But are the countries supposed to know what each other country votes for,
so they can change their votes? There was just really good songs that people from all over Europe liked.
- Yes, the technical problems were so annoying and it made the show really bad.
They didn't only have those in the voting but all over the show...
- Omg what are you expecting of the spokespersons? They were as always wtf
Some try to be funny and some are serious. And should I tell you how you look? I think I shouldnt.
Half of this didn't make any sense so yeah
Anyway w/e