Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
Post by Jakub on Apr 12, 2019 20:58:11 GMT 1
updating it if I had forgotten anything then tell me
4 points
you got my heart in your hand, don't lose it my friend, it's all that i got
Post by jstårsz on Apr 13, 2019 14:32:27 GMT 1
Park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
Post by Jakub on Sept 16, 2019 20:10:36 GMT 1
Languages of Sincuerello
Haíle! In this post I will introduce you to 2 out of 3 Sincuerellese official languages - Sincuerellese and Native Sincuerellese (3rd official is Achróan). Lets start with the basics.
Sincuerellese is used by 82% of the population. The language is a mix between Achróan, Latinican and some nordic languages. It has 3 main accents: Limanthian (used on Limanthia island), Norddequé (used on Ijent island, northern parts of Cevahil island and upper parts of Cabjan) and Corvesqué (used on lower parts of Cabjan, Pallatte island, and central and southern Cevahil). Limanthian is rather Latinican, Norddequé is a mix between flagachróa Achróan and nordic languages and Corvesqué is a mix of Achróan and Latinican. All the accents arent mostly have the same words. Here are some examples of the accents:
The word "Fish" in: Limanthian: Pesquí
Norddequé: Pesqúio Corvesqué: Peqsúi
As you can see, these interpretations are mostly the same. But take a look at the word "Patience": Limanthian: Patiantaá Norddequé: Fetancca Corvesqué: Patañáa
This is an example of an irregular word.
Another interesting case is demonyms. For example a citizen of D'rvonia will be called D'rvoní for both make and female person. Like most of Sincuerellese demonyms, D'rvoní is a term for both genders. There are only 2 demonyms that dont follow this rule:
Ildanca Sttru male: Ildanqúo
female: Ildanqúa
Sirnja Fojerha male: Sirín Fojo female: Sirín Foja
The Sincuerellese people themselves will be Sinqueyí
The ancient language. Now it's used by minority of civilized tribes spread all over the country. It's not really popular and there are very few speakers who cant speak the normal Sincuerellese. Native Sincuerellese is really special as it doesnt have words. It rather uses expression to help understanding each other. It mostly has sounds that sound really weird or unnatural for a human being. The best exapmle of this would be Sincuerellese FC 16 entry, Derealization by Violet Cold, also a native speaker. Aside from him the examples of songs or singers who can speak native sincuerellese are Coucou Chloe (her mother is a native and her father is a normal sincuerellese) or KÁRYYN, a native who has some songs in her language. Outside of Sincuerello, a psycho-folk band Paavoharju also has many songs in native sincuerellese
The biggest city which uses native sincuerellese is Tampla, the sincuerellese capital of religion. There are also many natives in Mahja district or in Cocak City.
Post by Lewis on Sept 17, 2019 14:59:17 GMT 1
Country names in Wedsen:
Achraa (Ачраа) Ainigma (Айнигма) Alten (Алтен) Alkiria (Алкириа) Ameliin (Амелиин) Angostura (Ангостура) Ustai (Yстай) Asgar (Aсгар) Atlandi (Aтланди) Bazna (Базна ) Bekleir (Беклэйр) Khagaral (Хагарал ) Korjazjana (Kоржазжанa) Danskanova (Дансканова ) Vryemdspongyelinaragiin (Врыемдспонгыельнарагийн) Chimegle (Чимэглэ ) Demakia (Демакиа ) Drevona (Древона ) Diria (Дириа ) Tegsh (Тэгш ) Eda (Еда) Ermi (Эрми ) Möikhnogoon (Мөнхногоон ) Flirstmasto (Флирстмасто) Florea (Флореа ) Fordia (Фордиа ) Fiyer (Фиыер) Ünegtavia (Үнэгтавиа) Freikhurst (Фрейхурст) Jims Jimsnii (Жимс Жимсний) Gasandae (Гасандае) Möstlög (Мөстлөг) Glaiola (Глаиола) Glarai (Гларай ) Altan Gazar (Алтан газар) Kharish Arluud (Хариш Aлууд ) Khanguki (Хангуки ) Khvaesonna (Хваесонна) Khikoto (Xикото) Inotiël (Инотиёл ) Jarea (Жареа ) Jinvakhl (Жинвахл) Juliana (Жулиана ) Kaa Ba Kekhbe (Каа ба Кехбе ) Kalimann (Калиманн) Katsiria (Кацириа ) Kazkyap (Казыкап ) Kergle (Керглэ ) Kervan (Керван ) Dovania Khaan (Дованиа Xаан) Labrador (Лабрадор ) Lakadamiya (Лакадамия ) Lanovina (Лановина ) Levalle (Левалле ) Lidoni (Лидони ) Linmur (Линmур ) Llort (Ллорт ) Mankhario Khel (Манхарио Xэл ) Maronez (Маронез ) Marsia (Марсиа ) Moli-Boronia (Моли-Борониа ) Mokuvena (Мокувена ) Möögöntsör (Мөөгөнцөр ) Mukkani (Муккани ) Namimori (Намимори) Nyeyokastri (Ныеыокастри) Shine Kholboo (Шинэ Xолбоо) Nineli (Нинели) Niolskiaj (Ниолскиаж) Onduriya (Ондурия) Orangina (Орангиа) Nomkhon Dalain (Номхон далайн) Pashlanakhui (Пашланахуй) Pekunia (Пекуниа) Pokhunski (Похунски) Prunia (Пруниа ) Kaesentria (Каэсентриа ) Ruiin Bügd Nairamdakh Uls (Руйин бүгд Hайрамдах Yлс) Avile Vittoriya (Авиле Виттория) Skandinavyn (Скандинавын) Shinkoyu (Шинкою) Shakira (Шакира ) Sinkuerello (Синкуэрелло) Sirenforestyn (Сиренфорестын) Suukher (Суухер) Silvan (Силван) Taksimorjin (Tаксиморжин) Taslana (Таслана) Te Ao (Тэ Ао) Temilosk (Темилоск) Torlova (Торлова) Tryemenoriya (Трыеменория) Trivania (Триваниа) Tsagaan Kherem (Цагаан Xэрэм) Anu-yn Eldans (Анy-ын Элданс) Vatsansa (Вацанса) Vikiiri (Викйири) Vradiazi (Врадиази) Wedse (Шедсе) Sergelen Baidal (Cэргэлэн байдал) Khoua Vai (Хоуа Вай) Süljikh (Cүлжих) Vivernurn (Вивернурн) Khimbala (Химбала) Kharaal (Xараал) Iukivan (Иукиван) Yster (Ыстер) Zilofonijal (Зилофонижал)
Post by SBINNALA on Dec 23, 2019 4:49:25 GMT 1
Please Stand up for the National Anthem of Takimorujin
Post by SBINNALA on Jan 28, 2020 9:46:46 GMT 1
Countries names in Takimorujinian Language (Non-scripted) Akura Aninima Akira Amikya Anigustsura Akuia Akribes Atsuandia Beskanja Bemikumi Bekinja Kurazunjan Denskunja Breskamutrari Dekusamia Dekuma Dekhova Deyara Eksualin Erima Erigarin Furimasta Fomea Fumia Fokumasto Fumiyasta Futaya Gyusandake Gulyaka Gerakai Gumilani Shito Harumika Hanukamata Huwastanya Imutokol Jureman Jinkalas Juyanna Kaira imd Keita Kasaira Kazakira Kerike Kuranas Kintomasa Limbakos Yankamika Yanokoya Libaniki Yankomia Lunikaras Yumon Munikaro Murika Myuka Miku-Bukuma Mikuwana Mukawis Mukajin Namimorin Niyun Unikan Nuneni Nyukajeki Okomadia Orakiya Pyusekita Pyushenkayumay Pemukia Pokunia Pyutana Kyusenta Ryukin / Ryujin / Rekumiya Ryujin Sokania Sinkyumo Seinfumi Simakuramin Sikamas Takimorujin Takiman Timao Temiku Tsukala Tsumala Fumite Hekamas Unikan Setado of Nuskandes Bukansia Vyukari Vyumakas Yudese Yumekada Yakumbito Vyunkamurenke Sembala Yumeskia Yongkyawan Yustris Zumikalinka
I Add Another Flag
Post by MG on Jan 28, 2020 10:49:25 GMT 1
Hanukamata LOL i read it as Hakuna Matata
Post by SBINNALA on Jan 28, 2020 10:58:43 GMT 1
Hanukamata LOL i read it as Hakuna Matata