Because it is very positive, both in lyrics and composition.
I love how you say this wjen - at least to me - the lyrics are about sex.
Btw. something totally different: Where in Croatia are you from/do you live?
About the lyrics.
chorus x1
Pridji bez razloga - Come to me without a reason
Kupi me pogledom - Buy me with your glance
Moglo bi nocas s tobom biti odlicno - It could be excellent tonight with you
Zavedi lazima, pricaj bezobrazno - Seduce me with lies, talk naughty to me
Jednom se zivi, hajde da se volimo - We live only once, let us love
Poznat klub - famous club
vina previse- too much wine
ja dama bez srama - I, shameless lady
a ti zelis me - and you want me
Pridji slobodno - be free to approach me
dobra je prilika - it's a good chance
takni usnama - touch me with your lips
tu pred ljudima - there, in front of the people
Svi na stolove - everybody on the tables
tulum pocinje - party starts
noc obecava - the night is promising
za narod muzika - for people music
Staro drustvo je - old friends are
spremno do zore - ready till the down
a ja bih sad na sve pristala - and I'd now agree to everything
chorus x1
Pridji bez razloga - Come to me without a reason
Kupi me pogledom - Buy me with your glance
Moglo bi nocas s tobom biti odlicno - It could be excellent tonight with you
Zavedi lazima, pricaj bezobrazno - Seduce me with lies, talk naughty to me
Jednom se zivi, hajde da se volimo - We live only once, let us love
Kasni sat - the clock is getting late
i krv uzavrela - and the hot blood
a tijelo uz tijelo - and body next to body
moja namjera - my intention
Dok se lagano - while is slowly
dize puls na sto - puls going onto 100
DJ nasu daj - DJ, give us ours (song)
da poludimo - to get crazy
chorus x2
... very rough translation.
... and now answer to your question. Well I do not feel that this song is about the sex or it is a sex song. As you can see, there's mentioning of friends, of party, of getting crazy, and I see it like that. Like liberating, but I agree with you to a certain extent - that this song is also definetely very flirting, very much. And because of all these elements in the lyrics, and because of composition, vocal, etc. I like this song.
... and now to answer your second question. I am from Serbia. But, my all ancestors are from Dalmatia, Croatia. I live in Belgrade, Serbia.