Post by Tom on Jun 24, 2014 23:21:50 GMT 1
Awesome to be honest! I've read all the papers and I've some corrections though.
OMG thanks! I love Dutch and I really want to study there
Paper 2: "goedendag" is right, your teacher made a well-known mistake in Dutch: if you say "goedendag", you would say it fast and in that case it sounds like "goededag" but you have to write it as "goedendag".
LOL I should tell that to her, maybe I will get a better mark for that omg
The Dutch way of writing euros is for example €60,- and not ^^,60€
Didn't know that yet
Might be very useful to know in the future ^^
Does there stand "de kamer is goedkoop met 350 Euro warm"? If yes, it's meant to be: "de kamer is goedkoop (or "betaalbaar") en kost (slechts) €350,-".
Yeah, it was like that in our vocabulary
But it is always good to learn more than one expression for things
LOL you said "swart" that's a really weird version of "zwart". Some of my classmates are using it if they're in a weird mood but generally it's a mistake. x'D
Most of my fails come from the similarities of Dutch to German
It is 'schwarz', so in my mind I had the 's' but my mind was half set
to Dutch, so 'swart' was born!
Paper 4: " 'S morgens" -> " 's Morgens"
lol at this fail *cries*
"dan" -> "toen"
Never even heard of that form
But I'll remember that
"het laatst" -> "ten slotte" (<- that's an important one!)
Same for this
Conclusion: You're doing extremely well in Dutch! I've personally a 4 VWO level of Dutch on school (it's one of the highest levels which are possible to have in The Netherlands) and I've rarely seen someone who doesn't have Dutch as native language writing it that well. I want you to know the most realistic and correct words to use and that's why I've corrected that much, but I'm sure you would come already very far if you would live in The Netherlands.
Aw thanks!
It is ALWAYS good to let your work be proven by native speakers
because they know the right forms the best!
I'd love to life in the Netherlands... Maybe I will even do that but I still
need to improve my Dutch I guess
There are some dangerous mistakes though and I think you've learnt them wrong nor your teacher doesn't correct them very well.
I just saw that
Maybe she 'closes one eye' as we say in German.
Meaning that she pretends that she doesn't see some mistakes to
get the student a better mark
We use "tje" (as you wrote for example: "kipschnitzeltje") mostly not for food. If you want to order a kipschnitzel, it's better to just ask for a kipschnitzel and not a "kipschnitzeltje". It sounds just very weird. (Attention: "spaghethtjes" isn't a word. You've to say "spaghetti". If you wanted to write the "tje"-version of the word, it would've been better to write "spaghettietjes" but even that word doesn't exist since spaghetti is an entire meal. You'll learn this in the future I guess.)
LOL the exercise was "Schrijf een dialoog waarin je drie diminutieven (verkleinvormen) gebruikt."
I did the exercise and then noticed that I missed these diminutieven and then
just put them behind random nouns so I would still get the points
The "spaghethtjes" isn't a typo, it is just my way of writing that "ti"
kind of looks like "h"
Thank you so much for taking your time for this, I really appreciate that
You're welcome! As I said before, I've noticed some more logical words/sentences in Dutch but I guess there are some which are understandable as well in the way you've written it on your test. As I understand it's your first year learning Dutch and in that case it's understandable as well that you're making mistakes like "leuk"-"luik". You'll improve this soon. I think if you'll stay learning Dutch, your teacher will become stricter and mistakes like " 'S morgens"-" 's Morgens" will be probably counted as real mistake.
It's really cool to see you like our language and it's even cooler to see that you're improving that much! I guess there aren't that many non-native speaking Dutch already that well as you do. Keep on going!